Al-Alamein Military Museum was founded on the 16th of December, 1956, when the late president Gamal Abd Elnasser ordered its establishment to commemorate Egypt's fundamental role in one of the most important battles of World War II, Al-Alamein battle, which broke out between the allies and the Axis Powers in October 1942.
The museum witnessed development, renovation, and maintenance measures and was renewed on the 50th anniversary of Al-Alamein battle on the 21st of October, 1992, and later went through other development measures including the set-up of an exhibitory display, to be reopened on the 21st of October, 2014. The Museum aims to document Al-Alamein battle by introducing a group of weapons, armors, and models which symbolize Al-Alamein battles and the contributing forces, besides a group of battle course-of-action maps, as well as acquisitions of battle commanders.